It feels great to be Me!

For this being my first birthday back in LA, I was made to feel very special.  The generosity of my fans is truly amazing. I have so many new toys for my playspace as well as a few personal and practical “wants” and I love them all.

Isabella Sinclaire cast as a hit woman in a mainstream independent film entitled “Fatale”

The rumors are true. I’m continuing to step into the mainstream. I’ve had several meetings with the Director, Marc Leif, as well as investors over the summer and with hopes the film can be made soon. Here is the synopsis to get you warmed up but I can’t give you too much information except I…

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A fond farewell!

Upon my retirement in 2008, I received many inquiries as to why I would end my career while appearing the be at the top of my game. To that I responded, how else could you imagine it happening? I have  always appreciated being recognized as one of the best in my industry. That is something…

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Prom Night Follow-up

A month has passed since My move and things are going well but I definitely have My hands full. The move alone is enough to take up an enormous amount of time and energy. I hope to find some time to chime in every now and then! I wanted to post the images of Prom…

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