Time Out Los Angeles – Best of Dominatrix Professionals

Time Out Los Angeles – Best of Dominatrix Professionals http://www.timeout.com/los-angeles/sex-and-dating/best-dominatrix-professionals-in-la   Full Q&A with Isabella Sinclaire Name: Isabella Sinclaire Age: 44   How long have you been a Pro-Domme? Since 1993   How did you get into the industry?  I randomly met a girl dressed in fetish clothes at a night club in NYC and…

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Exxxotica Sues the City of Dallas

Exxxotica Sues the City of Dallas One of the most fun adventures I had last year was tagging along with The Stockroom and their crew as we brought the Dungeon Experience to the attendee’s of Exxxotica.  It was a busy weekend in Chicago and Dallas.  Both cities brought amazing and open minded guests.  Typically these conventions…

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Time Out Magazine’s “Best of Los Angeles BDSM Dungeons”

Time Out Magazine’s “Best of Los  Angeles BDSM Dungeons” Ivy Manor Studios is happy to be recognized a one of the best Dungeons in LA by Time Out magazine. For the full list, check out the link here. http://www.timeout.com/los-angeles/sex-and-dating/the-best-bdsm-dungeons-in-los-angeles