Mark Dektor Gallery Opening

Los Angeles based photographer, Mark Dektor, has his first Artists Corner gallery opening featuring imagery, raw and true to the nature of bdsm. Isabella was honored to be featured in his show and in his book, SWITCH.

Next Eyes Wide Shut Multi-Mistress Play Party is this Friday!

Can you think of a better way to start your holiday season then by attending the Next Eyes Wide Shut play party? I can not! So why not join the best Dommes in SoCal this Friday, December 7, 2018 at the world famous (and newly remodeled) Ivy Manor Studios. Event details can be found here.

Isabella and the Ivy Manor Studio will play host to another Eyes Wide Shut play party!

Mark your calendars and buy your tickets for one of the most talked about multi-mistress play parties in Southern California. The next Eyes Wide Shut party will take place on Friday, March 23rd, 2018 from 9:00PM to 1:00AM at the Ivy Manor Studios in DTLA. Click here for more event information and to purchase your…

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