One Year Anniversary Domme Collective Play Party will be August 18, 2018

One Year Anniversary Domme Collective Play Party will be August 18, 2018

Yup, it is hard to believe, but one of the most popular multi-mistress play parties in all of SoCal is one year old! Help the Dommes of the Domme Collective celebrate it the right way, by attending this Friday’s party.


Date: Friday, August 18, 2017
Time: 3:00pm – 7:00pm (what better way to avoid Rush Hour??)
Please note: You must arrive between 3 and 3:30,
doors are sealed at 3:30.
Location: Ivy Manor Studios in Downtown LA
Admission: $260 pre-pay via PayPal or credit card over the phone up
to one hour before the party or $300 at the door.

Call 213-500-3195 to reserve your spot! Or email

More event information and FAQ and be found here.